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Youth worshipping and praying

Welcome to WNTCG Youth & Discipleship

Youth Leaders
Sharmane & Nathan Flynn  (Heads of Ministry)

Through a variety of activities and events, we support our young people through their life’s journey,

helping them to become successful adults.

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Youth worship
Image by Mariana Rios Jasso


For youth to have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and his Church so they become stronger and empowered to live as disciples of Jesus Christ to impact the world.

This is achieved by listening and encouraging our youth  as they journey through their adolescence with Christ.

Image by Kelly Sikkema


The Youth Ministry’s goal is to meet all youth at their own unique personal level and help them achieve all their God given potential.

  • to encourage young people in their faith;

  • to support and provide a platform for young people to exercise and display their gifts and talents;

  • to encourage young people academically; and

  • for young people to have a social outlet with their peers.

Image by Edward Cisneros


With young people and children in regular attendance, there are ample opportunities for youth to engage in worship and serve the Church. We are challenged to provide exciting and impacting Youth Ministry activities to engage our Youth;  We have a

  • a thriving and dynamic Dance and Creative Arts Ministry;

  • Monthly sessions  of Youth  Word where living practically for God is discussed.

Contact WNTCG Youth Department

Email: •  Tel: 020 8459 7674

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