where connections are made
Single Adults Ministry
empower singles to live lives to the full and to be fully active within the church

1. What if I need help to Register?After the Registration opens you can call the Church Office if you need help to register 020 8459 7674 and press option 1 during the Office hours (Monday-Thursday 10am-5pm Monday-Friday 10am-4pm) 020 8459 7674 and press option 4 after Office hours Seats will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
2. How many services will there be on a Sunday?We intend to have only one service in the mornings until further notice. We will plan more services when we have sufficient service personnel/volunteers to hold multiple services
3. What about Learning Zone and other Department activities?Please see the relevant department webpages for further updates Learning Zone https://www.wntcg.org/learning Children's Church https://www.wntcg.org/children Youth Ministryhttps://www.wntcg.org/youth
4. Has the building been risk assessed?We are duty bound to follow Government regulations and have carried out our risk assessments and now have approval from NTCG HQ to re-open and follow the government guidelines to limit the spread of the virus.
5. How many people will be inside the building?For the time being we will only be able to accommodate a maximum of 400 people (which includes those who have service duties). This number will be reviewed in line with Government guidelines.
6. What health & safety rules will I have to followWe are asking everyone to abide by the rules so that we all take responsibility for keeping the Church environment safe and prevent the possible spread of the virus. All we ask is that you follow the guidance given below 1. Neither myself (or a member of my family/group) are currently suffering from symptoms of the Covid-19 virus. If myself or a member of my family/group develop symptoms just before the service I/we will not attend. 2. Face Masks are optional but recommended 3. I have no objections to my body temperature be taken from my hand
7. Do I have to wear a face mask/covering?Face Masks are optional but recommended
8. Who should not attend?We are asking those who are on quarantine or exhibiting symptoms of the Coronavirus not to attend Church.
9. Can I book for more than one Sunday at a time?You will not be allowed to book for multiple Sundays - Registration for Sunday services will open on the Monday before the Sunday. The Registration Form can accessed via the registration page the WNTCG website https://www.wntcg.org/register
10. Do I have to register every week?The simple answer is "Yes" if your are not an official member of WNTCG. By registering every week you are helping us to conform to the Government's recommendations as we all take responsibility for keeping the Church environment safe and prevent the possible spread of the virus. Currently only official WNTCG members are not required to register.
11. How do I register myself or my family?Given the limited number of spaces available - access will be by a our registration system. Click here to register Those without internet access or an email address can make a phone call during or out of office hours to register themselves and/or their family.
12. How will I be notified if I have a seat?You will receive an email confirmation. Those without Internet access and registered via the telephone will receive their seat(s) confirmation via the telephone
13. What time must I arrive if I have been given a seat?If you have been notified you have a seat please aim to arrive promptly by 10.30AM so you can be shown to your seat and carry out the washing of your hands and putting on your face-mask.
14. What if I'm given a seat and I need to cancel - who do I inform?For those who can no longer attend - please call 020 8459 7674 option 4 or email info@wntcg.org by Saturday mid-day so that the seats can be cancelled.
Angela Anglin
Ministry Leader
Wendy Spencer
Ministry Leader

SAM Discipleship
A whole new world of online learning awaits you, starting with our first course
Faith for a Mate.
After more than twenty years of ministry to the unmarried, the need for practical biblical teaching remains the single greatest need. Therefore, we have started a discipleship programme using an online course Faith for a Mate.
Please visit the course page and view the trailer. It’s an animated video course, which examines the processes involved in meeting a prospective mate and highlights some less obvious reasons why marriage eludes many single women.
New lectures are currently being added and because it’s a lifetime access course, those who have already taken it will have access to the new lectures without additional cost.
The course is unlike anything you’ve ever seen or heard and will almost certainly change the way you think. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today.
Contact WNTCG Single Adults Ministries - The Point
Email: thepoint@wntcg.org • Tel: 020 8459 7674