About Us
New Testament Church of God is a body of believers, where "love is growing" and impacting lives through Christ-centered mission and ministry. We are committed to growth – in numbers, in spiritual and personal development, in governance and in our impact on society.
Click here to find out more about our national church
Our History
New Testament Church of God was founded in England in 1953.
Today the Church has over 130 branches and missions in most of the major cities of England and Wales, representing the diversity of cultures in the UK.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favourable year of the Lord.”Luke 4:18, 19.
Tribute to Revd Dr. Oliver Lyseight

The New Testament Church of God celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Revd Dr Oliver, A. Lyseight on the 11th December 2019. Click here for a brief history of the great man of God.
The annual Oliver Lyseight Lecture is held in February - the month designated for Education in NTCG.
Click here for more information.
This great man led the formal establishment of the New Testament Church of God in June 1955 and became the National Overseer for Britain, by the State Board of the Church in the USA.
In addition to fulfilling his ministry, gospel preaching, across the country Dr Oliver Lyseight went on to be the founding father of the Afro West Indian Council of Churches and a prominent voice in the Ecumenism in the wider church movement.
The NTCG received a wonderful gift from God in the form of a faithful, diligent servant leader and we honour his achievements by giving God thanks for his life and accomplishments, which has now become his legacy.
What We Do
The Church continues to support and provide a range of activities including: ministry to youth, women, men, prison ministry, leadership training and development and more. Preaching the Gospel of Jesus, evangelising the nations and making disciples of Jesus is the core of our ministry and we are firmly committed to remain true to our Pentecostal heritage.